Your Mission

Regain control of the labratory by solving puzzles to unlock doors.

Before entering solve the puzzles below, if solved, you will be given a new clue that is used inside the trailer to help you figure out how to unlock the doors.

Door 1 involves making connections between several clues. For example, one clue could contain a symbol and another the key to solving it.

Door 2 involves decoding messages, use the forms below to check if your answer is correct.

If you've been hacking away at a puzzle for a while, tap one of the hints below its picture.

Once inside each door will have two indicator lights, green means the door is unlocked, while red represents locked. Each game is timed so if you are unable to solve the puzzle the door will automatically unlock!

Door 1

Gaining Access To the Morgue

This post card looks like it could be turned in a better direction to help match to another clue.

Follow my lead to enter the morgue!

Enter your input below to check your answer!

Door 2

Escape before the containment center explodes

Not everything is as it reads..

Enter your input below to check your answer!